8 Week Always Hungry? Group Program

Weekly Calls | Accountability | Supportive Team | Based on Always Hungry?


This 8-Week Group program is in collaboration with the Always Hungry? Program. During our six weeks together, you will learn about the science behind the Always Hungry? Solution, complete a Phase 1 “Reset” according to YOUR preferences (there are multiple ways to do it - you get to choose what feels best for YOU!), learn which foods best support your body, AND discover key tips and tricks to apply the science (a lower glycemic way of eating) to real life without obsessing over getting “the perfect macro ratios” and spending hours on meal prep (there are simpler ways!).

Who is This Program For?


You want a done-for-you plan to follow without thought

You are ONLY focussed on weight loss

You’re looking for FAST results (Ie: Drop 10 lbs in 6 weeks)

You want a low-calorie approach to eating

You don’t want to spend time reflecting and learning about your body’s needs and preferences

You are financially unable to make an investment in your health and wellness at this time (sometimes, this is the case, and that’s okay)

You do not have 60-90 minutes of time during your week to spend on reflection and learning about nutrition (10 minutes per day)

You are looking for specific recommendations for a medical disease or disorder (this program is NOT intended for medical purposes and does not provide treatment, diagnosis, or services for medical related issues)

You have (or have had) a diagnosed eating disorder. If this is you, I would be happy to chat and help you find the right support <3


You identify with at least one of the following challenges…

  • You’ve tried the Always Hungry? Program and/or resonate with the science - but you haven’t had luck putting it into practice (it doesn’t stick, too much time prepping, too complex, life gets in the way, etc.)

  • You feel overwhelmed with counting macros & have no clue what “80% full” means (you don’t trust or feel “out of touch” with your hunger and satiety cues)

  • You find you fall completely “off track” during social events, unplanned occasions, or “off-schedule” days - and constantly feel like you are jumping into the plan then back out.

And, you are looking for…

A simpler approach to eating lower glycemic load meals so you don’t have to think about food 24/7

Guidance on how to make supportive choices given your INDIVIDUAL needs and challenges

A way of following the program in a way that feels supportive of your lifestyle - and does NOT feel restrictive.

A way of eating that supports energy levels, reduced hunger & reduced cravings

A toolbox of strategies custom to your needs - strategies rather than a paper meal plan that often goes “out the window” when real life comes to say hi :)

You are excited to work with a small group of people who share similar goals AND are willing to keep your doctor informed for a positive, safe, and effective experience.

How We Support Our Clients

6 x 60-Minute Group Calls + 30 Minute One-on-One “Exit Call”

We meet every week for 60 minutes as a group. The classes alternate between an educational session and an open Question and Answer period so you can ask your questions, learn essential strategies from the Always Hungry? Solution, and set the stage for sustainable progress after the program ends. At the end of the program, you will also have the opportunity to book a one-on-one 30-minute consult with me (Coach Kenzie) to address any unanswered questions and/or personal questions.

Weekday Message Access

During your 8 week program, we will keep in touch between calls via a group chat feature in your Food Journalling App. I respond Monday through Friday to help address challenges in-the-moment, provide recipes and resources as needed, and be there to support and celebrate our team’s journey.

Food Journalling App

Through the duration of the 8-week program, you will have access to your private Food Journalling App. The App is complete with my recipes, the Always Hungry? and Always Delicious recipe nutrition info, sample meal plans, daily food journalling, macro tracking (if you are curious), exercise logging, food & mood reflections, and more! The app is accessible by iPhone or Android or Computer Desktop.

Throughout the duration of the 8-week program, you will receive an OPTIONAL weekly reflection form for you to fill out and consider (I will review the reflection forms that are submitted).

NEW Recipes & Resources

I’ve worked hard over the past 5 years to create new, simpler recipes and strategies to implement the Always Hungry? Science into practice. In this program, you will have access to those NEW recipes and relevant resources that I think will help you progress and continue to make sustainable change after the program is finished.

BONUS: One Month FREE Always Nourished Community Access, After the 8 Week Program

After the 8-week program is complete, you will have the OPTION to join our Always Nourished Community for FREE for one month. Here, you will be able to access our Thursday night community calls for additional support, chime into our online forums & conversations, share your successes with a group of incredible members, and jump into our special themed Monthly Masterclasses. This feature is entirely optional, and can be a nice bonus to accelerate your journey.


We know everyone is different - but these are a few of the transformations we focus on during our 3 months together.


Feeling overwhelmed & exhausted calculating macros at every meal.

Feeling guilty when veering “off plan” (and, inevitably falling “off track” at events)

Completely unsure what “80% full” means and how to use/listen to body cues to guide choices.

Focussing on food as nutritional substance ONLY

Spending HOURS on food prep each week, feeling like they’ll be spending the rest of their lives in the kitchen (SO must time prepping!)

Valuing your self worth and progress by the number on the scale, and getting especially discourage if the scale number isn’t moving

Jumping “all in” to the AH program (by-the-book), then falling “off track” within a few months

Feel like this will never work long term for them given their lifestyle (too much work, too much time, too complex, etc.)


Feeling empowered and free with food choices - using strategies for building meals that feel sustainable and doable.

Making supportive choices in each moment (and understanding what supportive choices look & feel like)

Having a supportive plan for meal prep that is complementary to their lifestyle - and doable for a long period of time

Feeling balanced between body-nourishing foods and “soul foods” - aka feeling satisfied and energized - without “food rules”

More comfortable listening to body cues and using them to guide choices (note that we won’t achieve this in 6 weeks, but you will learn tools and strategies to help you practice this beyond the program)

Setting and achieving “small goals” each week to continue to progress and improve confidence that they CAN (and ARE) doing this

Feeling confident in having found a sustainable way of eating that they can maintain - even through social events and special occasions!

People I’ve Helped

  • The 6-week program is a wonderful way to start your AH journey. I wish it had been available when I started as the cooking, meal planning, and trying to figure out ratios was daunting. I gave up after a few months the first time I tried. This time, I was able to relax into the program feeling less stressed and able to focus on what was essential and what was not. The AH way of living now feels doable and no longer a struggle.  Thank you Kenzie. 

    ~ Debbie, 40

  • I have taken online classes of many types, including an AH Masterclass or two. I was totally blown away with the helpful content of the 6 week metabolic reset, it was invaluable to me! Kenzie's teaching gave practical helps and guidance, and her support was phenomenal. I looked forward each morning to find her comments on my food choices that included huge encouragement and good suggestions. It was as if Kenzie became my personal cheerleader. I had successfully sustained the AH WOE for two years, and needed a reset. I thought I had the program down, but I learned so much more! I highly recommend this class, it was worth every penny!

    ~ Sandra, 51

  • Participants will find that even if they have been attempting this life-style on their own, there is so much more to learn and understand. It also helps to have comrades to have conversation with and gives you a moment to reflect that drives you to better and healthier self-care. 

    ~ Rosa, 46

  • I was pleasantly surprised by the breadth of the content, Kenzie's dynamic presentations, her depth of knowledge, rapid responses to questions and on-screen ability to demo and look up answers as well as her understanding of how stressful and time-consuming implementation can be. I appreciate her creative approaches to making it easier.

    ~ Taylor, 45

  • This is the longest I've ever stuck with any program I've ever tried, which says a lot. It was an adjustment at first, but it now seems natural to create balanced meals without stress or even really thinking about it. My relationship with sugar has also shifted, where I no longer feel like I "need" something sweet after every meal. 

    ~ Cathy, 40

  • The Always Hungry way of eating is now my way of eating.  It has allowed me to keep my blood sugar level under control naturally and to lose weight along the way.  Kenzie has a kindness and strength that keeps you on track without shaming you whenever you go astray. I could not ask for a better coach.

    ~ Mary, 45

  • I appreciated Kenzie's teaching and streamlining for me the process of menu planning. I came expecting to have help with food or recipes - instead, I got tools for making this WOE [lower glycemic, Always Hungry? inspired] my own! In addition, I feel MUCH much freer about ratios. I was burdened by them before and it became a hassle to figure out what to eat. No longer!

    ~ Kylie, 40

  • Kenzie's presence on the virtual platform is better than most support groups. She seems to truly care and that is a wonderful thing for those of us who struggle with food.

    ~ Jasmine, 39

Take Control of Your Nutrition

Nutrition doesn’t have to be overwhelming, time-consuming, restrictive, and confusing… In fact - your nutrition strategies CAN be easy, and complementary to your lifestyle (I know - shocking… but this DOES exist).

You don’t need another meal plan or a diet.

You need customized strategies, simpler solutions, and delicious recipes that fit within YOUR needs and support YOUR best quality of life.

Small Group Program

8-Week Always Hungry? Small Group Reset Program


Always Nourished Community