๐ŸŒž What makes you happy?

Alright get out your pen and paper folks... I have a few questions (ps. if you want to send me your answers, I'd LOVE to read them!)

  • What makes you happy?

    • What activities?

    • What foods?

    • What people?

    • What places?

Based on your answers, when was the last time you...

  • Did that activity?

  • Ate that food?

  • Spoke to those people?

  • Went to that place?

Sometimes, we can get so caught up in our long-term goal(s) that we completely forget about enjoying the moment right now.

This can leave us feeling lost, frustrated, unhappy, and thinking "there's GOT to be an easier way".

You're Not Alone if You Feel This Way

Many of my clients experience this with weight loss...

  • They spend weeks eating foods they don't like.

  • They force themselves to do HIIT workouts that they dread.

  • They opt out of social occasions to "save a few calories".

  • And, when they "veer off track", they beat themselves up for "not being disciplined enough to stick to it"

They place SO much self worth on their weight & weight loss journey that they miss out on feeling happy, free, and joyful in the moment right now.

  • What society preaches: a healthy lifestyle = go to the gym, eat "clean", and have visible muscles.

  • What the reality is: a healthy lifestyle = a way of living that leaves you feeling the best you can today, a week from now, and a year from now.

It's NOT about "grinding it out" until you reach your goal.

It's about enjoying the journey, WANTING to continue your journey, feeling inspired, and taking in all the lovely "views" along the way.

Picture this.

  • You find foods that you love AND that love you back (Coach Jami Fassett's words)

  • You find movement that feels free, energizing, and good for your body & soul.

  • You spend more time with people who align with your goals & beliefs.

  • You enjoy the ride - and almost get "lost in the journey" rather than focussing solely on the "destination" (end goal).

  • And, next year at this same time - you are farther ahead on your journey than you are today.

Note: I'm not saying every day you'll be bouncing off the wall with excitement or shooting rainbows out your a$$ (we will all eat meals we don't love, do exercise we don't want to do, and have days that feel not-so-great).

But, perhaps 80% of the time you can feel good, happy, and energized in your own skin.

How does that sound?



More in line with your true, core beliefs and vision for yourself?

If so - I'll let you in on a secret.

A strict/rigid diet isn't your "path" to get to that space of freedom, excitement, energy, and joy.

Rather, the secret lies in creating a custom path that complements YOU. Your path might have some "deviations", it might have some "pit stops", and it will probably look different than mine.

That's okay.

Today, I wanted to take the time to remind you that you CAN do this. Your journey CAN be easier (not easy.. but easier). You CAN find that joyful and beautiful path that leads you towards your goal.

A Few Statements to Consider

YES. High fiber carbs, whole foods, protein sources, healthy fats, and loads of vegetables will probably leave you feeling your best.

But NO. It doesn't mean you "can't ever use" processed foods to supplement others in your diet (fun fact: I have All Bran almost every day because I LOVE it with my yogurt, it fills me up, and the fortified iron helps me reach my iron needs)

YES. Activity is important. And moving your body in some sort of way is a must for overall health and wellness.

But NO. You don't have to lift weights to be healthy. You could walk, swim, do a yoga class, bike, play with your kids, join a community sporting league, or something else.

YES. Cookies, cakes, and ultra-processed foods are not nutritionally dense.

But NO. It doesn't mean you have to avoid them 100% of the time. Mindfully enjoying these foods can be a healthy part of your lifestyle. (Note that, for some, keeping these foods out of your house can provide a supportive space for you at home - while still providing the opportunity to go to a bakery and mindfully enjoy your favourite cookie).

YES. Enjoying a slice of pizza at a restaurant is okay (and adding some salad on the side to fuel the body, mind, and soul would be even better)

And also YES. It's totally okay to kindly decline the pizza and opt for an entrรฉe salad because you know you will enjoy it and your body will "love you back" afterwards.

When creating your plan, keep a few things in mind...

  • Start small.

  • Make things simple for yourself.

  • Remember that jumping "all in" is bound to leave you jumping "right out" in a few months.

    • And, next year, you'll be in the SAME place as you are right now.

  • Instead, focus on taking small steps forward.

    • And, next year, you'll be miles from where you are today.

Maybe you start with...

  • Adding protein at breakfast.

  • Putting your shoes on and tying them up at 8:30am.

  • Swapping your afternoon chocolate bar with a protein bar or a homemade chocolate peanut butter bite.

Practice one thing at a time.

Celebrate when you DO it.

Get consistent.

Then build from there.

So - let me ask you...

What is one thing you will work on this week to take a small & positive step forwards?? Respond to this email with your answer.

Would more Guidance and Support be Helpful?

If you need help with this, this is exactly what we do LIVE on Thursday nights in the Always Nourished Community. If you would like to join, you can learn more and sign up here >>

DISCLAIMER: Kenzie Osborne, is not a licensed Dietitian, Naturopathic Doctor or Medical Physician. Kenzie Osborne does not diagnose diseases, disorders or conditions. You should ALWAYS consult with a medical professional prior to making ANY changes to your dietary intake and eating patterns. Any changes you make to your diet as a result of nutrition consultations with Kenzie Osborne, emails from Kenzie Osborne and/or participation in the Always Nourished Community are taken at your own risk. Kenzie Osborne does NOT prescribe any diet program or provide advice/treatment for medical conditions. It is important that you stay in continuous contact with your doctor or your primary health care provider to ensure safety and effectiveness of ANY nutrition or lifestyle change(s) you are making.


๐Ÿฉ Why we CRAVE sugary stuff


๐Ÿ” Itโ€™s not what it looks likeโ€ฆ